update to any single one of the 152 people who visited this site: absolutely nothing of notice has changed LOL. currently battling with depression and its extremely hard for me to find motivation in programming, especially cuz its something i have almost no experience with. once i find the will to learn code ill try to make this site look... fine. also: funny bideo.
maybe im just like my father, too bold. maybe youre just like my mother, shes never satisfied.
toxtricity domain was taken :(
things id like this site to have:
all of these ideas are just that. ideas. theyre not some "pie in the sky" type of self-inflicted pressure to do all of this as fast as possible. for now i will do whatever keeps me moderately mentally stable.
2 learn moar HTML/CSS check out these tutorials1!!1!!1
(i still dont know how css works)
update as of october 15th, 2024: its so over. why would typhlosion do that